Turkey currently hosts 1.8 million Syrian refugees and has spent $5.7 billion...
Turkey currently hosts 1.8 million Syrian refugees and has spent $5.7 billion in relief efforts in the last 4 years. “What other countries do and do not do is not our business, we are obliged to the...
View ArticleInnocent victims : Scarred faces of Baby Refugees
Innocent victims : Scarred faces of Baby Refugees
View ArticleThe family of Aylan Kurdi
Abdullah Kurdi, father of three-year old Aylan Kurdi, cries as he leaves a morgue in Mugla, Turkey. The family of Aylan, a Syrian toddler whose body washed up on a Turkish beach, had been trying to...
View Articleتین سالہ ایلان کُردی کے ساتھ انسانیت بھی ڈوب گئی
تین سالہ ایلان کُردی کی ساحل پر پڑی لاش نے پوری دنیا کو ہلا کر رکھ دیا ہے۔شام کے شہر کوبانی کا عبدالله کُردی اپنی بیوی اور دو بچوں کے ساتھ کینڈا اپنی بہن تیما کُردی کے پاس پہنچنے کی کوشش میں اپنی پوری...
View ArticleThis is how cartoonists have responded to the death of Aylan Kurdi
This is how cartoonists have responded to the death of Aylan Kurdi
View ArticleRefugeeCrisis: AylanKurdi, brother and mother buried in Syria
RefugeeCrisis: AylanKurdi, brother and mother buried in Syria
View ArticleMigrant Crisis - The long march to Austria
Migrants flash victory signs as they march along the highway towards the border with Austria, out of Budapest, Hungary.Migrants march along the highway towards the border with Austria, out of Budapest,...
View ArticleMigrant Crisis - Migrant train standoff in Hungary
A young migrant girl holds up a sign during a protest in front of a train at Bicske railway station, Hungary. Hundreds of migrants, many of them refugees from the Syrian war, woke after a night spent...
View ArticleMigrant Crisis : After terrible journey landed on Greek island of Lesbos
A woman removes the lifejacket from a baby moments after Syrian refugees arrived on a dinghy on the Greek island of Lesbos. Help can't come soon enough for the mayor of Lesbos' main town, who on Friday...
View Articleمجھے دنیا سے اب کچھ نہیں چاہیے
ترکی کے ساحل پر مردہ حالت میں ملنے والے تین سالہ بچے ایلان کردی کے والد نے مبینہ طور پر کینیڈا کی طرف سے پناہ دینے کی پیشکش کو ٹھکرا دیا ہے۔ایلان اپنے خاندان کے ساتھ یونان جانے کے لیے ایک کشتی پر سوار...
View ArticleHumanity washed ashore
Indian artist Sudarsan Pattnaik works on a sand sculpture depicting drowned Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi, 3, at Puri beach, some 65 kilometers away from Bhubaneswar. Photos of the child's lifeless body,...
View ArticleThe harrowing photos of refugees that didn't go viral
Children on the railway tracks at the border between Greece and Macedonia.More than 2,500 refugees have died so far this year making sea crossings to Europe.The man died after fellow refugees and...
View ArticleMigrant Crisis - A night at the train station
The number of refugees arriving in Greece and travelling towards the western countries of the European Union through Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary has increased dramatically in the second half of...
View Articleایڈورڈ اسنوڈن کے لئے ناروے کا اعلیٰ ترین اعزاز
ناروے کی ادب اور اظہارِ رائے کی آزادی کی اکیڈمی نے امریکی خفیہ ادارے این ایس اے کے منحرف رکن ایڈورڈ اسنوڈن کو اعلیٰ ترین اعزاز ’بیورنسن پرائز‘ سے نوازا ہے۔ناروے کے شہر مولڈے میں ناروے کی ادب اور اظہارِ...
View ArticleA refugee lies on the track with a baby after being detained
A refugee lies on the track with a baby after being detained. Hungarian police and refugees were involved in a standoff at Bicske station following a misjudged attempt by authorities to move on some of...
View ArticleMore than 240,000 people have been killed since Syria’s conflict
People walk amid the rubble of destroyed buildings following reported airstrikes by regime forces in the rebel-held area. More than 240,000 people have been killed since Syria’s conflict began in March...
View Articleایپل کے سٹیو جابز شامی پناہ گزین کے بیٹے
یورپ میں شامی پناہ گزینوں کی ہجرت کے باعث ایک نئی بحث چھڑ گئی ہے۔ کئی یورپی رہنمائوں کا موقف ہے کہ پناہ گزین معیشت پر بوجھ بن جائیں گے اور معاشرے میں فعال کردار ادا نہیں کرسکیں گے اسی دوران ایک ٹویٹ...
View Articleمہاجرین کے مسئلے کا حل کیا ہے؟
یورپی یونین نے تسلیم کیا ہے کہ سنہ 1990 کی بلقان جنگ کے بعد تارکینِ وطن کے سب سے بڑے بحران سے نمٹنے کے لیے اُن کے انتظامات ناکافی ہیں۔بحیرۂ روم میں تارکینِ وطن کی حالت زار اور دکھ بھری داستانوں نے یورپ...
View ArticleDo You Know? Pakistan Hosts Highest Number Of Refugees Worldwide
Do You Know? Pakistan Hosts Highest Number Of Refugees Worldwide
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